Perth Architect Providing Advice for People Wanting to Buy the Best Block
Zoning and Open Space Requirements
The zoning and the minimum open space requirements (as per the R-Codes) of the block, will determine the maximum ground floor area of a house allowed on the site.
This is very important if you want to build a single storey home.
If the block isn’t large enough to accommodate the size of the new house and the minimum open space required, then a single storey home may not be possible.
This may result in you having to build a two storey house, which is considerably more expensive.
Solar Orientation
The solar orientation of the block will ultimately affect the energy efficiency of the new home.
Poor solar orientation will result in more energy required to heat and cool the home throughout the year.
This means higher energy bills.
Adjoining Buildings
The block needs to be assessed to determine if it has opportunities for views and how proposed or existing adjoining buildings will have an impact on the site.
Adjoining buildings have the potential to cause overshadowing to outdoor living areas and courtyards.
They can also result in a loss of privacy and block access to cooling breezes, which can be used to naturally cool the house in summer.
Block Slope
The slope of the block may cause problems with the type of home you want to build.
Usually, sloping blocks may require additional site works which will add to the overall construction cost.
Setbacks (Distance From Boundaries)
The setbacks may also affect the type and size of house you want to build on the site.
If the setbacks are too restrictive, then you may have to re-assess the design of your proposed home.
Or, you may need to look for another block.
Irregular Shaped Blocks
A custom designed home by a Registered Architect will take into account any irregularities such as block shape and slope.
As a specialist residential Perth architect, we can provide you with expert advice so that you choose the best block for your new house building project.
Perth Home Design Guides
We have developed these unique home design guides for people wanting to build their perfect dream home. These guides were developed as a result of 30 years of expertise and experience designing new homes as well as extensions and renovations for clients all over the Perth metropolitan area.
Please feel free to download the guides.